Healing the Body, Mind & Spirit
Fridays 6-7pm
Wharf St Basin, Cannington WA
Click above for great presentations
Wharf St Basin, Cannington. Fridays 6-7pm
17/01: Michele Hill - The Mighty Immune System
24/01: Barbara O’Neill DVD - How to strengthen your immune system.
31/01: Michele Hill
07/02: Barbara O’Neill DVD - Why can’t I sleep?
14/02: Barbara O’Neill DVD - Living Sacrifice:Is yours acceptable?
Medicines Which Leave Injurious Effects—God's servants should not administer medicines which they know will leave behind injurious effects upon the system, even if they do relieve present suffering. Every poisonous preparation in the vegetable and mineral kingdoms, taken into the system, will leave its wretched influence, affecting the liver and lungs, and deranging the system generally.—Spiritual Gifts 4a:140. TE 87.2